Now since the whole idea of doing this challenge is to get on top of something that bothers you, I have been thinking about where I should start. I could start in my room because I really need to go through all my clothes but I'm happy to put that off for at least another week or two and I also know which job I'll do last because I don't even like the idea of facing it (a cupboard full of scrap stuff). So I'm going to go with the hall cupboard, not the linen closet (I have two hall cupboards) the large cupboard in the hall that's full of 'stuff'. It doesn't have a lot of junk in it, just stuff that needs to be sorted and organised and I've been wanting to do it for a while. If I do 15 minutes a day I think I should have it finished by the end of the week. Then next week I'll do the kitchen, I have a few cupboards that I want to move around, they have been annoying me for 6 months.
So I've got my timer ready and I know where I'm going to start. I will post every few days and let you know how I'm going and I will put up tips. Also each time I put up a post for this challenge I will use the small button on this post. Each time you put up a post on your blog about the challenge leave a comment on my latest post and we can all go and read it as well. What are you doing for your first 15 minutes and when are you starting?
I honestly can't tell you how excited that I discovered your blog and this awesome challenge! In fact, I'm off in a few minutes to get started on my first 15 minutes. I've decided to start in my scrap area. Both because it's a complete disaster and because it will make me so utterly happy to see it transformed.